Jojo Modern Pets started with the idea that people want beautifully designed pet products that match their home.
JoJo Modern Pets has great offerings for small boutiques and regional pet chains. We provide the basics with a unique twist and something people can’t find other places. We can pre-ticket some items with your brand or help you source products you know your customers will love.
JMP is stocked with domestic inventory at our warehouse in Illinois. We work with customers to do it “their way.” Case packs, moqs and pricing that makes sense for independent stores. At JoJo Modern Pets we pride ourselves on making our customers more money.

My chiweenie doesn't chew this often...but it's the ONLY thing she hasn't destroyed so far. I keep it in her crate for night time so she has something the chew that doesn't squeek or crackle.
My dog loved this bone and for only this price it was a great treat for him. My dog is a big chewer and he didn't wreck this bone at all, so its fairly durable. I would purchase these again.
48-pound Siberian Husky loves this freaking bone. I wish he didn't. He has chewed it and chewed it and chewed it... and, now, it has become a weapon of doom and devastation. ALL of us people in the house (my husband, my pregnant self, and my son) have stepping on this chewed up bone and let me tell you... you think stepping on legos is bad? Ohhhh honey, try one of these. It is utter... sheer... devastation. Now, if you can be a bit more observant of your surroundings than the three of us stooges, you might have some more luck. Or, maybe just plan to wear some shoes around in case you can't be bothered to look where you're walking. At least the dog likes it... he probably likes it even more now that he's seen he can use it as a tool of vengeance on the humans.
My dog is going crazy over this bone! Thank god it’s not a squeaky one.
I waited to review this because I wanted to see how long it would last. My dog is a chewer and has went through the large cow bones in less than 2 hours. $20 gone in 2 hours! He has chewed through a minimum of $250 worth of chew toys in less than 2 months. This one was recommended to me by a person at the grocery store who has a husky (mine is a husky-terrier mix). She said he will most likely never quit chewing. She said she tried this bone and it was a lifesaver for her. I tried it. It has been almost 2 months and he hasn't chewed through more than 1/4 of it and he chews on it daily. Everyday, I pick it up out of the floor and put it in his toy bin and he immediately takes it back out. It's not like he doesn't chew on it because he does. Well worth the money and it has saved my baseboards!
Wish it was a bit less solid as I think it might damage the teeth if you’re not watching your dog carefully. Nevertheless, this is my dog’s new bestie
Not sure what the deal is but the dogs have 50 different ‘bones’ and this is the one they fight over. I bought 3 more.
Love this bone, seems like a great exercise for my dog’s jaw and good to keep her teeth healthy