At SodaPup we specialize in creating fun and innovative dog toys for dogs that destroy everything! All of our products are made in the USA and are FDA compliant, meaning they are the safest dog toys in the market today.
SodaPup has developed several brands, each with a unique theme that appeals to different consumer segments. Our brands are SodaPup, USA-K9, Industrial Dog, MuttsKickButt, Spotnik, and Harvard’s Finest (our brand of grain-free dog treats).
SodaPup gives back to the communities it serves, directing contributions to animal shelters as well as dog-related veterans organizations.

This toy is awesome. My dog will play with the toy, it’s perfect for teeth and she likes it. I received the toy at the end of January and here it is at the end of February. The toy is in as good shape as when I received it. She will normally destroy a toy in a week, but this toy will not be destroyed. Also, she loves playing with it. I would definitely buy another toy like this one if she ever destroys it. I recommend this toy. It is also at a great price.
I just love this brand. Purchased two of these, one for each of my girls. They really like their Gingerbread toys! Durable and perfect!
Very nice to toy I got it for my dog because he likes to chew on things and this is very durable well worth the money this keeps him busy from not chewing on things that he supposed be chewing on is the very durable toy and it’s great for dogs that like to chew a lot there’s also clean their teeth to
At least for my dog it's chew proof. She loves it !!
I bought this toy because it was cute. I love Sodapup toys because they are the most durable toys I have found. My Archie likes these toys. But now he is no longer interested in his Gingerbread Man. Oh well...it is cute.
My pitbull destroys toys...these last and for some strange reason, they are her favorites...keep making them...has to be santa…
We have an almost 2 year old dachshund who is an aggressive chewer. Even the most durable of toys and bones don’t last more than a day or two with him. For some reason, he LOVES this one in particular. He waits for us to get out of bed each morning and then hides it under one of the pillows until he wants to chew on it. He has chewed on it daily since Santa Paws brought it to him for Christmas and yet, it still looks new. I’m so happy to have found something safe and fun for him.
This durable chew proof toy is the perfect gift for pet owners. Really cute